BIOGRAPHY OF A VIRGINOBSESSED TEACHER DEVELOPS DARK FIXATION ON VIRGIN STUDENTMr. Davies (Michael Vegas) is burning the midnight oil as he grades papers in his
THE PSYCHIATRISTTroubled Teen Mom Confronts Daddy Issues with Sadistic Shrink SCENE opens on an close up of Sheila’s face, as she staggers down the road.
UNCLE FUCKERTeen Caught Getting Fucked by Father’s Best FriendSCENE opens on Jessica, a precocious 18-year-old girl, as she sits knees tucked on her bedroom floor
DETOUR18-YEAR-OLD BEST FRIENDS PICKED UP AND TRICKED BY RIDESHARE DRIVERSCENE OPENS as two 18-year-old girls, Molly and Sandra, walk out of the mall where they